Thursday, March 26, 2015

April 9, 2014

So much happened in February.  It was a bittersweet time.  But God tells us there is a time for everything.  I wrote this shortly after Susannah went back to Colorado.  

February 20, 2014

She came home and it was like she never left.
She smiled, and talked and I recognized it all.
The hugs were passed out, over and over again
We shared meals, the tuna fish and blueberry muffins,
homemade macaroni and cheese and scotcheroos.
I didn't want to say goodbye,
I didn't want to let her go.
But she had to leave.

I should have said, “I love you” fifty more times,
no, a hundred; because it's true.
I should have told her how beautiful she is
and how proud I am of her.
I'm so glad she came, even though the
occasion was sad. So often hellos mean we
must say goodbye.
I'm so glad she could meet her youngest niece,
and reconnect with all the others.
I'm so glad that she has this special
place in all our hearts.

You are so precious to me, daughter.
I loved braiding your hair, going out to lunch,
shopping together, seeing you with the kids, laughing
together with your sisters, sitting on the couch and talking.
Thank you for being my Suzy, our Suzy.

I love you.  

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