Coming home from Encounter also means coming under attack. The enemy does not want us to walk in the freedom we have acquired and will tempt us and pull out all the stops to get us to walk in bondage again.
For me this week it has been headaches, depression, resentment building up in me, and a desire to quit. I have been spending time with the Lord. I have been praising Him, listening to praise music and putting on the "armor" before getting out of bed. But I am still struggling.
But I've also been hiding. Oh, I asked some ladies to pray for me, and they did. But I haven't shared what I am struggling with. So tonight I will pray with my husband. I will let him know what I'm struggling with--even though part of it is that I don't really know!
Why am I so afraid to let others know that I struggle? Like the talk I gave on Peter, I fail to live and walk in my new identity. Under pressure, under attack